Don’t Overthink It With Katyi Peschke

Kayti Peschke, a Yorkshire born artist, photographer, fashion photojournalist, magazine publisher.

Kayti Peschke and Luke Seaton created Skio Pottery in Waternish, their commissions and collaborations include, Talisker, Loch Bay Restaurant, Mother Expresso Liverpool, The Three Chimneys, Kinship Coffee, Café Cuil, to name but a few.

Kayti and Lukes ceramics bring the landscape of Skye to the tablescape, big skies, mountains, sand and sea. Tactile, shapes to wander with or play. The spellbinding nature of Kayti’s art has been cast.

Kayti Peschke, artist, designer, maker, ceramicist, collaborator, is my fourth guest on this, the first series of Don’t Overthink It. The aim, to connect with Creatives on the Isle of Skye and discover their who, what, why and more.

 Don’t Overthink It - Kayti Peschke

1. Lets be Frank who are they?

 Kayti: Frank is our 12 year old mini dachshund who is having a fabulous retirement here on Skye! He loves being in the pottery with us and his favourite thing to do is have a gallop on Coral Beach. He definitely rules the roost her and we are but his humble servants, we’re doomed!

 2.  Your connection to the Isle of Skye where and when did it begin?

KaytiWe had been thinking about moving to Scotland and visited Skye, and it really just felt like it could be home, it had lots of the elements we were looking for. The connection really grew once we moved here. It felt like a massive, scary move into the unknown and I think we were really lucky it all worked out so well.


3.   Your one word to describe the Isle of Skye, what is it?

Kayti: Wild!


4.   Picture this, it’s summer on the Isle of Skye, the wind and rain vertical, you are standing in your favourite place, where is it and what are you listening to? 

KaytiIf the weather is that bad then it will be in our living room, looking out the big windows to Loch Bay and waiting for a break in the weather to go out and enjoy the island, I’m definitely a fair weather walker so am happy to stay in and cosy when need be.


5.   Today, tomorrow, yesterday, what inspires you to create? 

Kayti: I’m definitely the kind of person that needs to keep busy and making all the time, but usually find inspiration out on walks, whether its at the beach or in a city, if I can get out and explore new places I always come home brimming with ideas.


6.   Yes, or no?

 KaytiUsually Yes as I’m a terrible people pleaser, trying to get better at saying no haha.


7.  How do your forms and colours reflect the change in how we now eat, drink and experience design in contemporary tableware?

Kayti: I think just having a piece that feels special to you can make the most boring sandwich or mundane cup of tea feel like a more cherished experience.


8.   Rebel child or happy and distracted, what do you want to be when you grow up?

 Kayti: I think I am all of those things in different moments! It would be great to get to a point where I can really let go and live in the moment more, I’m a terrible overthinker and to switch that part of my brain off would be a joy.


9. What comes first the idea or hands-on clay? 

Kayti: Both. Mostly it’s the idea of a shape or use that inspires the making, other times its an accident that happens when you are trying to make something else and it just appears.


10. What is the significance of ‘tread lightly’ in your practice?

Kayti: Clay is a challenging material to work with. Moving pots around the pottery though all the different processes needs a steady hand and lots of care. Before they go in the kiln they have the consistency of shortbread so handling them definitely needs a light touch, so many opportunities for distruction.


11. What brings the freedom, joy, and stillness, describe yourself in those moments?

Kayti:  Out on the kayak, the water is like glass, everything is still except for the wildlife breaking the water, all quiet except for the sounds of oyster catchers or the breath of a seal that follows you around. The luckiest feeling.


12. What book are you reading or writing?

Kayti: Just started Hotel Avocado by Bob Mortimer. I usually have an audio book on while I’m working too, I do like autobiographies of people who’ve led interesting lives.

13. What lies and reveals itself in the landscape to connect your work to place?

Kayti: Usually a walk on the beach will lead us to bring back interesting materials to the pottery to work into the clay. Local sands, clay and oxide slips, discarded material to imprint into the clay. Love it.

14. Your relationship with music and making, describe it?

Kayti: Music can definitely affect your mood so why shouldn’t that affect what you make. It would be fun to make a set of freestyle pieces made to different genres of music and see the results. 

15. What question would you ask yourself, share the answer?

Kayti: I would ask myself, “ What Now?” Keep making things that please you and be silly.

Thank you, Kayti Peschke my super creative thrower.




Don’t Overthink It With Andrea Holden